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Perfect understanding of the specific needs and demands of private sector


Quality Control

LYRITIS BIOLINE S.A. offers a full range of material for internal quality and calibration, as well as is in a position to supply various “schemes” of external quality control comparison programs.

Internal Quality Control

The scope of Internal Quality Control is to verify the analyzer’s accuracy. Samples with known concentration (controls) for every parameter are being analyzed in the beginning of each run. If the results fall inside the defined limits then the laboratory carries on with its routine run. In case of discrepancy a calibration is necessary for the affected parameters.

LYRITIS BIOLINE S.A. offers a full range of calibration and internal quality control products. For the analyzers it supports the internal quality control results are being processed with a special statistical analysis program.

External Quality Control

The scope of External Quality Control is to trace systemic errors during the proanalytic and analytic phase. Samples of unknown concentration for every parameter are being analyzed together from all the laboratories that participate in the program and the results are submitted in a central data base. The results undergo statistical analysis and the median, the distribution curve and the deviation are being calculated. The results from each laboratory are compared to the rest of the participating laboratories that use the same analyzer and the same or similar reagents. The largest the number of the participating laboratories the closer to the “truth” is the statistical analysis.

The external quality control schemes offered from LYRITIS BIOLINE S.A.:

  • Are organized from the largest quality dealing organizations in the world with many years of experience and are acknowledged internationally.
  • More than satisfy every legal requirement.
  • Are accredited to ILAC G13:2000 directive that satisfies E.S.Y.D. requirements and certified according to ISO 17043:2012.
  • They are internationally recognizable and are utilized by the R&D departments of all medical equipment and reagents manufacturers.
  • They operate on international level and concentrate a vast number of participations that allows the per instrument comparison and not just the per methodology comparison, contributing to the most accurate shaping of the laboratory’s performance.
For LYRITIS BIOLINE S.A. the after sales technical and scientific support is of major importance.
